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Monthly Archives: July, 2018

Person holds beer bottle while driving

How Does Being Intoxicated Affect Your Ability to Drive?

We’ve all heard people say, “I drive better when I’ve had a few drinks. I’m more aware of my surroundings.” Perhaps you’ve even made this statement yourself once or twice. These statements can never actually be true. By default, alcohol is a depressant, which is designed to slow reaction times and inhibit the brain from…Read More

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Drunk Driving & Young Adults: Stats and Safety Tips

Drinking and driving continues to be a genuine problem in the U.S. amongst people of all ages. However, young adults seem to be more prone to drinking and driving than any other age group. The penalties for drinking and driving vary according to California state law and depend on factors such as age, blood alcohol…Read More

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Drunk Driving While Traveling Outside the U.S.

In the United States, 31% of road-related accidents are caused by alcohol consumption. That is high in comparison with Germany or the United Kingdom, for example, where their stats show that only 9% and 16% of the accidents are caused by drunk driving. What does that tell us? That we need to educate people more…Read More

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DUI Lawyer Jon Artz, based in Los Angeles, has tips for truck drivers to stay safe on the road.

To Keep On Trucking, Don’t Drink Under the Influence

Driving trucks is a dangerous job. According to the Bureau of Labor, truck drivers suffered 918 fatal injuries in 2016, more than workers in any other jobs. Conditions in large rigs are improving, with safety boards urging companies to include airbags and collision avoidance technologies on their trucks. Of course, some dangers are unavoidable but…Read More

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