If you’ve been busted for driving under the influence, there’s a long road ahead of you. Now is not the time to panic. The best move that you can make is to find an experienced Los Angeles DUI attorney who knows the ins and outs of an effective DUI defense and how to protect your driver’s license. It’ll make the process a lot less burdensome on yourself and also help to lift your spirit until a resolution can be reached.
It Will Take Time
When you are facing a DUI charge, you should understand that you likely won’t know your fate for a long while. It could take months to resolve the matter as delays and preparation of defense are inherent in the legal system. You should know that such delays are typically advantageous to your defense, so hunker down and prepare for the long haul.
Understand What A DUI Can Mean
You should be aware of the potential negative consequences of a DUI. If convicted, you could lose your driver’s license, face probation, fines, court fees, mandatory alcohol and/or drug rehabilitation and possibly even jail time. If you caused an accident while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, had an egregiously high blood alcohol content, were driving with a suspended driver’s license or have a previous DUI conviction, the ramifications will be even more harsh. Start to think about how life would be if you faced these penalties. When you brace for the worst, it makes anything less than that feel much better.
Then Reach Out For Help
When you have an experienced Los Angeles DUI attorney on your side who knows the proper legal strategies to prevent the penalties outlined above, you’ll sleep much better at night. Don’t beat yourself up over and over, replaying the incident in your mind. While you can’t completely put the alleged transgression in your past, you should look forward to a brighter future with the help of an experienced legal mind.
Lean On Close Friends And Family
Aside from reaching out to a DUI attorney in Los Angeles, you should also talk with your friends and family about the ordeal. You’ll need their support as the legal process unfolds. While some might exhibit a bit of disappointment or be a bit abrasive at first, it won’t last. Chances are, they’ve driven while buzzed or drunk themselves. Telling someone besides your attorney may also take some weight off of your shoulders. Although you might be tempted to keep your DUI charge a secret, don’t do it (except from your employer and co-workers). Your family members deserve to know. They’ll serve as a sounding board and help you rebound from this unfortunate circumstance.
Others Can Relate To Your Experience
Consider joining a local support group or searching out those who’ve endured a DUI in the past. If you can interact with someone who has made it through the legal, emotional and mental challenges of a DUI charge, you’ll have a new way to frame the issue in your own mind. Try to speak with as many people who’ve went through a DUI to get a diverse set of opinions and insights. Each might be able to contribute a unique nugget of wisdom that helps you mentally prepare for your ensuing legal battle as well as the emotional stress that the ordeal will put on yourself and your family.
There Is Hope
If you’ve been charged with DUI, don’t attempt to go it alone. Remember, you are innocent until proven guilty. With the help of the right Los Angeles DUI attorney, you can emerge with minimal damage and continue on with your normal life.
Contact us today to discuss the details of your case in a free consultation with Jon Artz.