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Monthly Archives: September, 2018

a set of car keys with a joint and marijuana buds sitting around

Companies Trying to Cash In On Marijuana DUI Technology

 As of 2018, nine states have legalized recreational marijuana, as well as the District of Columbia. In total, 31 states have some form of legal cannabis—whether it’s recreational or medical—in addition to D.C. With access to cannabis on the rise, it’s not surprising to see businesses of all sorts starting to cash in on the…Read More

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group of women holding up wine glasses with red wine in them.

Ten Truths About Alcohol & The Human Body

Alcohol and humans have a long history together. After all, there’s an entire Prohibition Era dedicated to man’s attempts to keep other people from imbibing on this mind-altering substance. Long before the days of motor vehicles—before DUIs were a possibility for drivers who drink too much—people had other alcohol-related problems to deal with. Fights, fury,…Read More

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Car keys and fallen empty glass on the table

Auto Manufacturers and DUIs – Can Something Be Done at Factory Level To Curb DUI Incidents?

There’s nothing quite like a statistic to get people to sit up and pay attention, and the CDC used exactly that sentiment to let Americans know that 29 people lose their lives every day in an accident that involves an alcohol-impaired driver. They take this statistic and break it down further to one death every…Read More

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