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Monthly Archives: March, 2018

dui lawyer

Is It Possible to Get a First-time DUI Case Dismissed?

The short answer is yes, it is possible to get a first-time DUI case dismissed, but it will never happen unless you hire an experienced DUI attorney to fight for you. Although some people may think they can simply waltz into the courtroom and defend their own cases, if you’ve been arrested for a DUI,…Read More

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DUI lawyer

New California Law: Assembly Bill 711

Prior to January 1st of this year, 44 states permitted liquor and alcohol manufacturers and sellers to provide their customers with free or discounted rides to ensure they got home safely; California was not one of these states. As of this year, however, the Golden State has joined the ranks of other safety-conscious states by…Read More

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implied consent educational lecture by DUI lawyer Jon Artz

Implied Consent Law in California – Educational Lecture

This is a brief educational lecture about the implied consent law in California and how blood tests can be excluded from evidence. In the ordinary course of events, a person is investigated, field sobriety tests are administered, and the person is then handcuffed and told, pursuant to California VC 23612, implied consent, that he must…Read More

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Los Angeles DUI lawyer

Five Safe-Driving Habits For Every Driver

If you’re like most people, you probably made a few resolutions for the new year. You may have already given some of those up, but if you’re still chugging along with your commitments, that’s awesome! Don’t forget, it doesn’t have to be January for you to implement positive changes in your life. Any time is the…Read More

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