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Got a DUI In Los Angeles? Quick Facts to Know

los angeles dui lawyer Jon ArtzAlmost ¼ of all California DUI arrests happen in Los Angeles County.

In recent years, Los Angeles has increased DUI enforcement efforts, providing specialized training to officers, enhancing patrols on weekends and holidays. Targeting drivers of all age, the outcome of these DUI offenses are treated differently based on age.

  • Those under 21 face more severe punishments due to the illegality of drinking, and statistical evidence that drinking minors cause more accidents. Judges and the DMV typically impose several conditions to teach drivers about the dangers and suspend licenses for longer than any other group.
  • Younger drivers, between 21 and 40 are often targeted on weekends, late at night, and on holidays and they comprise the vast majority of arrests for DUI charges. Drivers between 40 and 60 often do not realize they are too intoxicated before driving and are typically stopped at sobriety checkpoints.
  • A fast growing demographic of drivers facing DUI charges are over 60, who may be lawfully consuming medications that when mixed with alcohol and physical disabilities make it impossible to pass field sobriety tests.

Breakdown of Los Angeles DUIs




Total Arrests

Los Angeles 36,254 1227 37,559

What Are the Consequences for DUI in Los Angeles, CA?

The consequences will vary based on what are called “mitigating circumstances”, and whether this is a first, second, or third conviction and whether anyone else was injured as a result.

1st DUI Conviction

  • This is a misdemeanor unless injury.
  • Fines between $390 and $1,000, but the judge will add “penalty assessments” — total court fine of about $2,000
  • Jail time is between 48 hours and 6 months, but judges can order probation in lieu of jail time.
  • License gets suspended for 6 months. If driver needs a restricted license and it is approved, they must have an ignition interlock device.
  • Drivers are on probation for 3-5 years and might have to complete a 3 month or longer DUI school depending on alcohol level.

2nd DUI Conviction

  • This is typically a misdemeanor.
  • Fines between $390 and $1,000, but the judge can add “penalty assessments”.
  • Jail time is between 96 hours and 1 year, but judges can order house arrest in lieu of jail time.
  • License gets suspended for 2 years. After that drivers must have an ignition interlock device for 12 months. An experienced attorney can get the license back after 3 months.
  • Drivers are on probation for usually 3-5 years and will have to complete an 18 or 30 month DUI school.

3rd DUI Conviction

  • This is typically a misdemeanor.
  • Fines between $500 and $1,000, but the judge can add “penalty assessments”.
  • Jail time is between 120 hours and 1 year.
  • License gets suspended for 3 years. After that driver must have an ignition interlock device for 2 years
  • Drivers are on probation for 5 years and might have to complete a 30 month DUI school.

DUI’s With Injuries

These can be charged as misdemeanors or felonies with fines between $390 and $5000. If it is a felony, the driver can face prison sentences between 16 months and 4 years. If misdemeanor V.C. 23153, jail time plus license suspension for 1 year.

DUI’s With Fatalities

This is a Felony, i.e. second degree murder, gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, or negligent manslaughter while intoxicated. The fines and jail time vary based on the charge as well. For example: a charge of negligent manslaughter while intoxicated results in $2,000 in fines and up to 1 year in jail. Second degree murder charges bring between 15 years and life in prison.

What to Do if You Are Facing a Los Angeles DUI

Many people faced with a Los Angeles DUI charge are able to successfully defend against those charges with the help of an expert Los Angeles DUI defense attorney. We can help you.

With over 40 years of experience as an expert DUI attorney in LA, Jon Artz has what it takes to help you through your case. Contact Jon Bryant Artz today to find out which defenses might apply to your situation.

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