What’s the first step to take once you have been cited for a DUI?
Alright, well first of all, a lot of people say “cited” – it’s really not. It’s arrested. You know, sometimes you don’t get taken to jail, you get released, but most of the time, you are arrested.
Number two, what should you do?
You need to do a review, online and otherwise, to find an attorney who can help you. And let me just point out to you folks out there. There’s $2,000 or more in court fines. There’s $2,000 or $2,500 a year for three years on insurance premiums. There’s an interlock for $500. Alcohol program for $500 too, $1,000 depending on how long. And that’s on the first offense.
So get an attorney who knows what he or she is doing, and ask questions. That’s the first thing.
Credit: Thank you to Mr. Checkpoint for filming this video.
Contact me directly to discuss the details of your case with a trusted DUI lawyer in Los Angeles. I win “Not Guilty” verdicts — all charges dismissed — in over 90% of my DUI jury trials… even in cases involving prior convictions, accidents, high blood alcohol levels, and BAC test refusals.