“What Are the Most Common DUI Defense Mistakes?”
Video Transcript:
The mistakes that many attorneys make in DUI defense is to accept the prosecutions version of the facts as correct. The defense must challenge the chemical test evidence, and prepare a vigorous defense. There are so many things that can be done to help somebody walk through the process of the DUI arrest, including a jury trial. There are motions to exclude evidence. There are factors that can be developed by going to the scene and talking to witnesses. In almost all cases, involving a first offense, character evidence can be brought forth of which can raise a reasonable doubt in and of itself. With the DMV, there are numerous things that can be done to help keep your license.
Check out all of my California DUI videos for more tips and advice on DUI defense. My blog also has lots of news and information related to driving under the influence.
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I have helped more than 99% of my clients stay out of jail. Contact me directly if you wish to discuss the details of your case with an experienced DUI attorney in Los Angeles.