CHP arrests five DUIs
for holidays
The California Highway patrol arrested five people on suspicion of DUI in Monterey County during the holiday weekend, the CHP said Tuesday in a news release.
The CHP will mount a similar increased enforcement effort during the New Year’s weekend
6 p.m. Friday through midnight Jan. 2
The CHP asks motorists to help keep roads safe by calling 911 to report a suspected drunken driver. Callers should give dispatchers a description of the vehicle, its location and direction of travel, the CHP release said.
The CHP announced it plans to conduct a sobriety checkpoint late Thursday in the unincorporated area of Monterey County.
Kotowski to be sworn in as head of schools
The public is invited to attend the swearing-in ceremony for Nancy Kotowski as she takes the oath of office as Monterey County superintendent of schools.
The event is 10:30 a.m. Jan. 5 in the main meeting room of the county Office of Education, 901 Blanco Circle, Salinas.
Judge Adrienne Grover will administer the oath.
Kotowski was re-elected as superintendent in November. The county Office of Education oversees 24 school districts and 134 schools.
Women’s league holds talk on health care
“The Health Care We Deserve?” is the topic of a luncheon presentation
Jan. 12 at the Unitarian Universalist Church.
David Whipple will speak about health care reform and answer questions at
the League of Women Voters of the Monterey Peninsula event.
Lunch costs $20 per person. For reservations, call 375-8301, or e-mail
The presentation by Whipple, a health care expert, is free and starts at 12:30 p.m. Reservations are not required for the talk.
The church is located at 490 Aguajito Road.