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Monthly Archives: May, 2017

Here are 6 tips to reduce your risk of DUI. First, drive safely. Second, make sure your paper work is in order. Third, know your rights of refusal.

How to Reduce Your Risk of DUI

Contrary to popular belief, avoiding a DUI isn’t always a matter of dumb luck. If you are going to consume alcohol and drive a vehicle, you should know how to minimize your risk of arrest. Here are 6 tips to reduce your risk of DUI Drive safely Keep your paperwork in order Know your rights…Read More

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Study Finds Drowsy Driving is as Dangerous as Drunk Driving

According to a study by AAA, driving tired increases the risk of an automobile accident and can even be comparable to drunk driving. Through awareness about the frequency of drowsy driving and understanding the predictors that increase your risks, we can begin to decrease sleep-related accidents across the country. Statistics on Drowsy Driving From the…Read More

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Discovery is the process by which evidence is obtained. In a DUI case, discovery may include attorneys' efforts to obtain the following

What Does Discovery Mean in DUI Case?

Many people who are arrested for DUI have never been in a similar situation before. If you’ve recently been charged with DUI, this may even be the first time you’ve been in trouble with the law. As such, some of the terminology may sound foreign and confusing. One word you’ll likely hear frequently in the…Read More

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DUI Lawyer Los Angeles, Jon Artz Blog - Diabetes and DUI blog post

Diabetes and DUI – What You Need To Know

Police officers are humans; as such, they can make mistakes. When they suspect a person of driving under the influence, for instance, they may have preemptively decided which factors will determine a person’s guilt or innocence. This inherent need to separate right from wrong can cloud a person’s ability to judge the situation based on…Read More

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2017 California Cannabis Bills – Knowledge is Power

With the recent passage of California Proposition 64, it is now legal for adults to possess and consume cannabis in the state. Though you no longer need to have a medical recommendation, many state officials have taken swift action to ensure recreational marijuana is safe for the user and others around them. Learn about the…Read More

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