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Monthly Archives: April, 2017

How California Title 17 Violations Can Help Your DUI Case

How California Title 17 Violations Can Help Your DUI Case

If a police officer pulls you over and charges you with DUI, there are certain procedures and protocols that he or she must abide by. Many of these requirements fall under a set of rules known as Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. In short, Title 17 dictates how blood tests, breath tests,…Read More

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Contact Jon Artz today if you need to speak with an experienced DUI lawyer in Los Angeles. The fastest way is by calling: 310-820-1315.

Changing Your Record Under California Proposition 47

In November of 2014, California voters passed Proposition, which allows certain low-level, nonviolent crimes to be converted from felonies to misdemeanors. If you were charged with a felony because of petty theft or minor drug possession, you may be eligible to change your record to a misdemeanor. As long as your crime is not on…Read More

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California Aggravated DUI Offenders Face Longer Classes

California Aggravated DUI Offenders Face Longer Classes

Among the many reasons to consult an experienced DUI attorney is the fact that aggravated DUI offenders in California will face longer classes than those usually required by the state. Understand the full scope of CA DUI penalties and what to do if the charges are exacerbated with an aggravating circumstance. Aggravated DUI Defined Standard…Read More

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DUI Lawyer Jon Artz Receives Avvo Top Contributor Award

Jon Artz Receives Avvo Top Contributor Award

This award is given to attorneys who have answered a certain number of legal questions asked on In 2016 alone, DUI lawyer Jon Artz earned 1,500 contributor points. Avvo is the leading online legal marketplace, providing profiles, reviews, and peer endorsements for lawyers in the United States. It’s where anyone can ask a legal…Read More

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