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Monthly Archives: October, 2016

Tips to Prevent Drinking and Driving

Tips to Prevent Drinking and Driving

We’ve all been there before. You are out at a social gathering celebrating a special life event, or maybe just life in general, enjoying your favorite drink with coworkers, friends, or family. Then it comes time to say farewell and head home. You settle up your tab, say your goodbyes, and walk to your car,…Read More

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bottle of wine on the floor

Do You Need Rehab?

Addiction is a cunning disease. It may start as an innocent habit like having a beer every night after work but slowly begin to overtake your life. After a while, your method of relaxation begins to feel like a problem and may cause you to ask yourself, “Do I have an addiction?” Whether you feel…Read More

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Are You Over The Limit? - DUI Lawyer Los Angeles – Jon Artz

Are You Over The Limit?

As many people have discovered the hard way, you can’t always know when a great night will turn into a nightmare after you misjudge your ability to operate a vehicle after drinks.  It really doesn’t take that much to be considered over the legal limit.  Additionally, your tolerance can actually change from day to day,…Read More

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How to Help a Loved One with Alcohol Addiction

How to Help a Loved One with Alcohol Addiction

Watching a friend or family member suffer from alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges we face as loved ones. You may feel angry, sad, frustrated, or hopeless—sometimes all at once. While your emotions are valid no matter how unmanageable they may feel, there are right and wrong ways of expressing them to…Read More

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