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Monthly Archives: August, 2016

DUI Lawyer in Los Angeles

What Can You Do After a False DUI Arrest?

Being charged with a DUI is a serious offense, and it can cause a number of obstacles thereafter.  If you’ve been falsely arrested for a DUI, you may be facing any number of additional difficulties as you fight your charges and work to clear your record. After a false DUI arrest, you need to exercise due…Read More

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3 Common Myths About DUI Lawyers - Debunked

3 Common Myths About DUI Lawyers – Debunked

Being charged with a DUI is a serious offense, and it’s safe to say that it’s not something anyone really plans on taking place. Unfortunately, many people have found themselves pulled over on the side of the road after some drinks, and the weeks and months thereafter can seem like an eternity. Many people shy…Read More

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dui lawyers in los angeles

What To Expect When Your Trial Ends – DUI Procedures Explained

You’ll probably never forget the day you saw those blue and red lights flashing. Your heart started beating fast. You started thinking about where you’d been for the last few hours. You likely talked through the conversation you would have when the officer arrived at your window. Next thing you knew, there was a police…Read More

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