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Nebraska Man Arrested for 5th DUI Minutes after Hearing for 4th DUI

By Jim Greene

on February 09, 2011

A Nebraska man was arrested for the fifth time on suspicion of drunken driving within minutes of leaving a hearing for his fourth drunken driving arrest. He was also charged with driving on a license that had been suspended as a result of a previous DUI arrest.

William E Parminter, 54, was arrested earlier this month by Lincoln Police Officer John Clarke, who followed Parminter out of an evidence suppression hearing relating to the suspect’s fourth DUI arrest, on May 14, in which Clarke participated. That fourth arrest also included a charge of driving on a suspended license, the result of the suspect’s third DUI arrest.

Clarke was at Parminter’s hearing to give evidence concerning the fourth DUI arrest, according to Officer Kate Flood, who was also at the hearing.

Police Say Suspect Had Beer in Car, Smelled of Alcohol

According to a police report, Clarke followed Parminter on foot and watched the suspect get into a vehicle and drive away. Clarke said he then got into a patrol car and followed Parminter a short distance before pulling him over. He said the suspect had a half-empty can of beer in the center console of his vehicle, and that his breath smelled of alcohol.

Police say a breath test showed Parminter had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.238 at the time of the most recent arrest, which is nearly three times the legal limit to drive.

In addition to a fifth DUI charge and a second charge of driving on a suspended license, Parminter was charged with having an open container of alcohol in his vehicle and with having no proof of insurance.

Court records indicate that Parminter’s first DUI arrest was in 1981.

If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence, contact an experienced DUI attorney. The burden of proof lies with the state, and your attorney will be mindful of mistakes that can invalidate the prosecution’s case. If you are convicted, you could be sentenced to jail time and lose your driving privileges, jeopardizing your ability to earn a living. Your attorney will fight to limit that damage to your financial future.

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