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Process for Hiring DUI Attorney?


“What Is the Process for Hiring a DUI Attorney?”

If you’re looking to find a DUI attorney in Los Angeles or nearby area, it is important that you find someone who is competent, experienced, and who knows the judges and the prosecutors.

One of the questions you should ask a prospective DUI attorney is: How many trials have you had in the last year? Another question you might ask is: Do you appear in this court on a regular basis? Do you know the prosecutors? These are questions that an experienced, competent DUI attorney should be able to answer for you.


I have helped more than 99% of my clients stay out of jail. Contact me directly if you wish to discuss the details of your case with an experienced DUI lawyer in Los Angeles.

Video Transcript:

If you’re looking to hire an attorney, the process is, to contact the attorney and make an appointment. You go to the attorney’s office, you explain your facts, the attorney will give you advice, and suggestions regarding your case. And, if you want to hire the attorney, the attorney works out a retainer with you, meaning, you work out the fees to be paid to the attorney. The attorney appears in court on your arraignment and gets the arrest report, and then prepares discovery requests and other motions to exclude prosecution evidence for trial as well as fighting the DMV. So, in looking for an attorney to represent you, you want to find somebody that’s confident and experienced and will handle your case so that you get great results.